Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Weeks 11 and 12: Conducting evaluation

Numbers By lrargerich
Did you manage to get a break? Over the next two weeks, you will hopefully be collecting data and exploring methods of analysing and interpreting your data. I will be in the Wimba classroom on Thursday 27 October from 7 - 8pm to discuss the analysis and interpretation of data and the presentation of Results and to go over the process.  I hope you can make it. In the meantime, I will be marking. You have prepared some wonderful plans.

Activity ten:
Analyse data and write up the findings – prepare tables, graphs and explanations – add to your project wiki.
Submit final results (wk12 - negotiable). A pdf is the best way to submit your results as this preserves the formatting.

Once you start adding your results to a new project wiki page - we will follow the same process as the plan - where I provide formative feedback before you submit your final results. You can add the final pdf on the wiki and/or email it to me. Information about preparing results should be up on the wiki by the end of the day.

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