Monday, September 19, 2011

Week Eight: Planning evaluation –draft plan

Big sister watches the young uns

Yes these are my lambs - I couldn't resist. It was touch and go when the younger ones were born because it was freezing in Dunedin. Luckily they were born in the shed and didn't move out of there for several days.

It is excellent to see your plans evolving, and I understand there is lots of activity happening as you meet in groups to put your plans together. This is probably the hardest part of the process - getting the evaluation design just right. Be sure and organise a Skype or Wimba session with me if you need to discuss your plans.

Your blogs
A quick reminder that you need to contribute regularly to your blogs for Assessment Four - Reflect in an on-going manner about your contribution to the evaluation process, and post on your individual blog. Please read the criteria in the Course Handbook - they are posted at the end of this message. This is the main way you can indicate the extent of your contribution to the group process, and this assessment must be passed to pass the course. Tom is posting regularly and I am sure he would appreciate some comments - check out his wonderful photo taken as he flew over the motorway. :)

What should you be doing this week?
This week you need to continue developing your evaluation plan and request feedback. By the end of this week you should expect to have an easily, readable draft plan with all the sections completed on the project wiki, ready for others to give feedback. Make sure you  read the Analysis of data section on the wiki to sort out how you will analyse the data that you will collect so this can be included in the plan. This is also where the instructions for Activity Seven are located.

Activity Seven - Group work
  • Prepare other sections of the plan to complete a draft plan – limitations, logistics and time line, budget, references and appendices.
  • Finish writing the Introduction.
  • Add to your project wiki and request feedback on the project forum. 
Criteria for Assessment Four - the blog

Demonstrates an understanding of evaluation (theoretical and practical) in an individual and professional context.
Produces evidence of learning and reflections about evaluation - including eLearning guidelines (or other benchmarks) and quality in a relevant context.
Reports and reflects, from an individual perspective, on the phases (plan, data collection, analysis and interpretation, and Results), progress and processes involved in the group evaluation project.
Reports and reflects on personal contributions to the group process, and what was learned about working in a group.
Demonstrates evidence of individual reflective learning about the process of evaluation.
Critiques the process used in one other group project, and describes the feedback provided at each stage.
Merit: Critical analysis of the evaluation process demonstrates evidence of reflective practice (effective reflection and professional learning[1]).

[1] Hegarty, B. (2011) A Framework to Guide Professional Learning and Reflective Practice. Unpublished Doctoral thesis. University of Wollongong, NSW.

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