Monday, September 13, 2010

Week Seven: more planning

Sweet choices by  by moriza
This week the post is going to be short and sweet as I wanted to get you started this week with a quick message of encouragement.  This week is when we really get into the swing of the negotiation phase. Your plans are starting to develop personalities and substance - great work. I am looking forward to reading your them and providing feedback, and it looks like there has been lots of activity on your project pages.  I will work on a summary of your activities over the next few days.

Survey for feedback and dates for assessments
 I will send out a short survey on email so I can get some interim feedback about how the course is going for you. The official due dates for the assessments  will be up by the end of the day - aim to have your plans in draft form on the wiki so myself and your class mates can give you feedback - I recommend you do this by 19 September so you are ready to gather data from 11 October after the break.

Recordings of the web conferences
All the recordings of the web conferences are now archived as (1.2 Web conference archive) in the References section on the wiki. I have also added a link from the Home Page under Web conferences.

I have sent out some material to assist with some of the theory and the processes surrounding the types of evaluations you are doing. If you need more than one chapter, you will have to request this from the MIT library due to the 10% copy rule which restricts me sending out any more. You can make a request from the distance services - you can order articles and textbooks as well.   Do make use of this service - use it or lose it.  See:

Most importantly of all, I hope you have a great week.

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