Monday, April 6, 2009

Summary Weeks five and six: Evaluation methods

Image: Eggs-ibit 2004 by annessasgirl

Well it looks like - needs analysis/assessment/Front End analysis - might be a popular choice of evaluation method for several of you. This has come up in some conversations on Elluminate and some phone conversations I have had. This is a logical way to go, when you are thinking about introducing eLearning into your teaching as opposed to actually already being in the throes of using eLearning.

Some people are also thinking about Effectiveness evaluations as well, but most are still trying to clamber over the paradigm hump. I hope you can all leave this behind after Easter and focus on the type/method of evaluation and the ways in which you will collect your data. - to fit with the eLearning guidelines you have chosen. Watch this space for a link to an evaluation plan template.

You will all be pleased to hear that the MIT library is getting the course textbook back and it will be on desk copy. I also have some chapters I can send out if you need something let me know on email after you have looked at the Table of Contents. Use the library distance services in the first instance.

Debra M has found an article which helped her sift through the paradigms: Phillips, R. (2005). We can’t evaluate e-learning if we don’t know what we mean by evaluating e-learning! Interact, 30, p 3 - 6. Learning Technology Support Service, University of Bristol.
It is easy to read and helps everything fall into place a lot easier.

Sam found some wisdom about evaluation following an altercation with a fierce mother hen and a shopping trolley. "Listening to the ideas of others and sensitivity to others’ parameters for success." - very relevant in evaluation.

Joy has plans for a mixed methods approach which looks suspiciously like an Effectiveness Evaluation as she intends to measure whether learning objectives are being met. Here is a link to an example of an Effectiveness evaluation plan by Hilary from the 2008 class.

Michelle has also chosen a mixed methods approach. More to come soon.

Rachel has written a very thoughtful and comprehensive post about her beginning ideas about conducting a needs analysis. She has invited feedback and it would be great to see you giving her some help. The question is - should she sample students who know little about eLearning or would she be best to investigate support systems in place for students who will have to access eLearning? This would fit with one of her chosen guidelines: ST1 - Do you have a way to identify needs and respond to them?

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