Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Week 4: Evaluation paradigms and models

Image: Bedouin Jerry Can Band by Michael Flynn and the Taranaki Daily News

You can blame the lateness of this post on my pilgrimage to Womad. I see there has been a lot of action on your blogs while I was away, so tomorrow I will post a summary of week three activity. This week is probably the driest one with regard to evaluation theory. You do need to have an understanding about the main inquiry paradigms and models which currently influence evaluation. If you can see it as a set of terms regarding current beliefs about how evaluation is done, things will seem easier, though there are some very long terms to get your larynx around. There is no need to memorise the terms though as I will certainly not be testing you. Hopefully you will get this posting as an email.

Things to do:

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